Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lowe's craft

The kids did another craft at Lowe's
this time it was a heart jewelry box
Santino did a pretty good job, Julie
on the other hand threw all our nails
on the ground and I had to get down
and search for them, but it came out
nice. She wouldn't open her eyes for
the photo, but she was proud of what
she made.

Abe Lincoln's cabin

Santino did a cool craft at the
library last week. In honor of
Abraham Lincoln's birthday the kids
made log cabin's out of milk cartons,
chocolate frosting and pretzels. It
was so much fun, we even had our picture
taken by the newspaper. He was very
proud of his creation.

Mt Soledad

We took another one of our trips
to San Diego on Valentines day.
It was a really pretty crisp afternoon.
We drove to Mt.Soledad and the kids
climbed to the very top all the way
to the cross, what a beautiful view.
I've always loved to go there, after
wards we went to Kate Sessions for the
kids to play and then stopped at The
Chicken pie shop for dinner, it was
packed, and it was gooooooood......


One day on the way to SD out of nowhere
Santino ask's mom "Can you make me a loin cloth"
Of course I said "No grandma will have to do
that". So when we got home she made him one
and he was so happy. He's now going through a
Tarzan phase as you can see. He also asked me
if I thought he should grow his hair long or
cut it. As if he had the choice, funny little
boy HeeHee

My little angel

Julie wanted to wear Tino's old boots.
He got those when he was going through
his "Woody" from Toy Story phase. Anyway
I think she looks too cute.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Our visit with Tia

Last Sunday mom and I drove up to LA to
visit with our Aunt Rae, she is recovering
from Cancer surgery and trying to get herself
strong for chemo and radiation. She looked great
and was her same old self, she even did her
exercises. Ann & Linda made us a delicious lunch
and dessert and we sat around the warm fire and
laughed and laughed, it was such a great visit.We
just love our Tia she's such a sweetie.

Party Time Rain or Shine

Saturday was Santino's 5th birthday party.
It was going to be at the park but there
was just too much rain, so we moved it to
the house. Everyone came the kids played
games hit the pinata, ate pizza and cake.
Santino received a lot of great gifts, he
was very excited.

Jumping Beans!

Both kids are going crazy inside this
house with all the rain we've had. So
Santino decided to jump,jump and jump.

Santino turns....5!!!

Last Friday Feb 6 was Santino's actual
birthday. He had to go to school on that
day but the teacher's played "Birthday"
by the Beatles for him and all the kids
jumped around and danced. At the end of
the day he passed out Kung Fu Panda Rice
Krispies stars, all the kids loved them.
It was a very rainy day but we picked him
up and took him to The Old Spaghetti Factory
for his lunch, he likes to go there every
year, and of course he got a candle on his

Friday, February 6, 2009

Renee turns 18!

Our little Nay-Nay turned 18 this past
Saturday. We all went over to Uncle Johnnie's
to celebrate. It's hard to believe she's
this age, we all still think of her as this
little chatterbox, we'll she still is...but
we love her. Happy Birthday Reny

Balboa Park

One of our favorite places to go when we go
back home is Balboa Park. The kids love going
to the lily pond to look at the Koi fish. Julie
especially loves the fountains. This time we
walked over to Pepper Grove park and the kids
played and played, that's such a cool place for
kids, they didn't want to leave. At the end of
our trip we took Julie on the train, another of
her favorites.